Add Admin Account Windows 8

The first account on a new PC is always an administrator account. If you bought your PC with Windows 8.1 pre-installed, the account that you have — the one you probably set up shortly after you took the computer out of the box — is an administrator account. If you installed Windows on a PC, the account you set up during the installation is an administrator account.

Activate Local Administrator Account in WorkGroup Mode. Press Windows Key + R combination, type put lusrmgr.msc in Run dialog box and hit Enter to open the Local Users and Groups snap-in. In the Local Users and Groups window, click Users from the left pane, then right-click the Administrator in the center pane. Select Properties. Under Settings Accounts Family & other users, select the account owner name, then select Change account type. Under Account type, select Administrator and OK. Sign in with the new administrator account.

Jan 27, 2018  How to Create and Add a New User Account in Windows 8 and 8.1 A user account is a collection of info and settings that you use to interact with your PC. Way 2: Create an administrator account within Windows 8/8.1 1. Press Win + C to bring out Metro UI and click Settings - Change PC settings. On PC settings window, select Users. Then click Add a user button. It creates a Microsoft account by default. Click the Sign in without a Microsoft.

When you create new accounts, on the other hand, they always start out as standard accounts. That’s as it should be.

After you log on to an administrator account, you can add more users quite easily. Here’s how:

1On the Start screen, swipe from the right or hover your mouse in the upper-right corner (or type Windows key+C) to bring up the Charms bar.

At the bottom, choose the Settings charm.

2At the bottom of the Start Settings pane, tap or click the Change PC Settings link and then select Accounts on the left.

The Accounts screen appears.

3Under Other Accounts, choose Add a User.

You see the challenging How Will This Person Sign In? dialog box.


If you want to set up an account for your child, start by setting up a standard account, and later switch from a standard account to a child account.

4If you already have a Microsoft account, type the address in the box at the top and then tap or click Next.

E-mail addresses from or or are automatically Microsoft accounts. Then skip to Step 7.

Windows sets up your account.

There are good reasons for using a Microsoft account — a Microsoft account makes it much easier and faster to retrieve your mail and calendar entries, for example, bypassing individual account logins. It’ll automatically connect you to your SkyDrive account. Only you can decide if the added convenience is worth the decreased privacy.

5If you’re skeptical about using a Microsoft account, waaaaaay down at the bottom, click or tap the link that says Take Your Microsoft Account and Shove It (otherwise known as Sign In Without a Microsoft Account (Not Recommended).

Windows helpfully gives you yet another opportunity to set up a Microsoft account.

6At the bottom, click or tap the Local Account box. Sheesh.

Windows (finally!) asks you about a Local account name and password.

7Type a name for the new account.

You can give a new account just about any name you like: first name, last name, nickname, titles, abbreviations . . . No sweat, as long as you don’t use the characters / [ ] ” ; : | < > + = , ? or *.

8(Optional) Type a password twice and then add a password hint.

If you leave these fields blank, the user can log on directly by simply tapping or clicking the account name on the logon screen.

Note that the password hint can be seen by anybody on the computer, so avoid that NSFW (Not Suitable For Work) hint you were thinking about.

9Click or tap Next; then click or tap Finish.

You’re done. Rocket science. You have a new standard account, and its name now appears on the Welcome screen.

Active3 years, 1 month ago

How would I go about making an Administrator account (read not limited) from the command line in Windows? I have seen commands to the effect of:

However it is unclear if an account created in this way would be an admin account or a limited account.

Steven Penny
Steven PennySteven Penny

1 Answer

You are on the right track - It takes two CMD line options to do this

First -

This creates the user account.

This adds the user to the Local Administrators Group

You have to execute both commands with elevated permissions (an administrative CMD prompt)

Delete Admin Account Windows 8

Chris E. AvisChris E. Avis

Add Admin Windows 8.1

protected by CommunityAug 15 '14 at 11:40

Add Administrator Account Windows 8 Command Prompt

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Add Admin Account Windows 8

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