Install Ubuntu Linux On Windows

Install the Windows Subsystem for Linux. Before installing any Linux distros for WSL, you must ensure that the 'Windows Subsystem for Linux' optional feature is enabled: Open PowerShell as Administrator and run: Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux Restart your computer when prompted. I know that there is a way in which, one can install Linux or Ubuntu on Windows easily but, what about installing Windows on Linux or Ubuntu i.e If I have a machine with only Ubuntu, how can I inst. Get access to the unrivalled power of the Ubuntu terminal, including tools such as SSH, apt and vim, directly on your Windows 10 computer.

  1. Installing Linux On Windows Xp
  2. Install Ubuntu Linux On Virtualbox In Windows 10
  3. Install Linux Ubuntu On Windows10
  4. Install Ubuntu Linux On Windows Pc
  5. How To Install Ubuntu Linux 11.04 On Windows 7 (dual Boot)
  6. How To Install Ubuntu Linux On Windows 10 Dual Boot
  7. Ubuntu On Windows
Active3 years, 3 months ago

I know that there is a way in which, one can install Linux or Ubuntu on Windows easily but, what about installing Windows on Linux or Ubuntu i.e If I have a machine with only Ubuntu, how can I install Windows on it without removing Ubuntu?

I don't want to do this in a Virtual Machine. I just want to have two OS in a single hard drive.

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7 Answers

You can install Windows from inside Linux onto your physical hard drive, but you need separate partition as NTFS or FAT32. Below is a way to use a virtual machine to do the actual installation, but it's performed on your hard drive.

  1. Prepare a new partition onto where you want to install Windows.
  2. Start the Windows installation with a Qemu virtual machine and your physical hard drive mapped (target partition can't be mounted):

  3. Install Windows on the partition you created.

  4. Reinstall Grub (if partition isn't first, you need to do a trick with mapping hd's, its working for me).

You will need:

Install Ubuntu Linux On Windows
  • CD or USB stick containing GParted (see below)
  • Windows DVD or USB stick (of course)
  • Ubuntu Live CD or Live USB, version 10.04 or later

First use GParted to free some space to host Windows:

Install Windows as usual selecting the space you just created using GParted. This will 'activate' only Windows and Ubuntu will not be accessible at this point.To make Ubuntu accessible again, take the Ubuntu Live CD and follow this guide (or see this question or this or that help wiki page.).


Installing Linux On Windows Xp

7931 gold badge6 silver badges18 bronze badges

This is hardly a complete answer, but it may help. I have a development machine here with Windows 7 and Kubuntu; I used a 128 GB SSD for Windows (the whole thing) and have Kubuntu dominant on my other three hard drives, with a limited partition made for media files in Windows. Any time I do have to reinstall Windows, I simply pull out the SATA cables from the back of my other hard drives first. After the install, I power down, plug them back in, power up, and set up Windows to use the proper directories (on the other hard drives) for user documents. I've done this more than once and it's yet to give me any trouble. GRUB even recognized it after a quick device scan.

I understand that you're trying to do this on a single hard drive, but everyone else has already highlighted the issues behind this (mostly with Windows being a complete #$%@&* about having to share). If you can get a cheap SSD or even HDD, and plug it in in parallel, then keep your more-responsible OSes on the major drives, it should make the process simple. You won't even have to worry about partitioning.

(I will also say that if you do do it this way, you'll save yourself a lot of trouble by keeping every drive either MBR or GPT; try not to mix and match. It makes booting more complicated than anyone wants to deal with.)

Best of luck!

Michael Eric OberlinMichael Eric Oberlin

Impossible As far as I know. First If you use Linux native partitioning, windows will not access it and hence NOT install anything. Also, even if it installs, there is issue of mbr, which will take you into complexities of overwriting each other. So it is practically bad decision and to my knowledge impossible!

What is so hard/wrong with putting them in separate partition?

Install Ubuntu Linux On Virtualbox In Windows 10

Stefano MtangooStefano Mtangoo
2,1941 gold badge22 silver badges36 bronze badges

You cant install easy like wubi in windows. Yo have to create virtual machine of windows. If you have iso file for windows os, you follow the bellow,

Download VirtualBox, and you will get the deb file, use Ubuntu software center to install. After install it,

  1. Select 'NEW'

  2. Name OS,

  3. Select RAM size,

  4. select Hardrive type,

  5. Select VDI,

  6. Select Dynamically allocated(for using available free space) else select fixed size(it's not recommended by me),

  7. Select Hard Disk size

  8. Your virtual machine is ready,

  9. To start it, Go to settings --> Storage, Here select iso file you have stored in system

  10. Click ok, and select start.


Install Linux Ubuntu On Windows10

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The easiest way I found to install windows on a ubuntu or any linux only pc is as follows -

  1. Download and Extract the entire Windows ISO to any of your drive partition. Just make sure it's preferably an NTFS partition and is not the target partition in which you want to install windows and also don't put all the files inside a folder, just extract in like, say (hd0,5)/.

  2. Now open /boot/grub/grub.cfg in any text editor (with root access) and paste it -

Now change (hd0,5) to the partition where you have extracted the ISO image.Reboot your computer and choose windows 10 from boot menu.

Installing linux on windows xp

Windows is Like Blind about ext3 or ext4 partition so you don't have to worry about deleting it accidentally. Once you have installed Windows, you can always install grub to revive your lost ubuntu partition.

I have made a video to show How to install Windows 10 from ISO image in linux GRUB


I think know what your trying to say I think you mean install Windows over Ubuntu. Just put your windows Operating System Disk in you PC and just install it over Ubuntu. But I don't know if you have important files on your Ubuntu OS so save all your usb,sd, or a disk.

Install Ubuntu Linux On Windows Pc


How To Install Ubuntu Linux 11.04 On Windows 7 (dual Boot)

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How To Install Ubuntu Linux On Windows 10 Dual Boot


Ubuntu On Windows

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