0x80004005 Windows 7 Update

Next, you need to click on “Windows update” and then select “Advanced” option. Now you have to Check Apply repairs automatically and Run as Administrator. After that, click on “Next” and follow the steps present on your screen to complete troubleshooting. As of right now, Windows updates are pushed as needed to all currently supported versions of the Windows Operating System – that includes Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10. Once an update for a specific version of the Windows OS has started rolling out on Microsoft’s end, computers running on that version of Windows start. I have this problem when trying to access a shared disk on a Vista machine from a Windows 7 machine. Do I have to apply your fixes on the Vista machine (the one that is to be accessed) or on the Windows 7 machine (the one that is trying to access the other one)? Get the gunk off your machine and prep it properly first before installing SP1. SP1 is not broken but it won't install if your W7 is broken or pirated or not up-to-date in readiness, or you have. Windows Update BUG! Windows Update Failure 7SP1 x64 KB4074598 HRESULT = 0x80004005 - EFAIL Windows 7 IT Pro Windows 7 Miscellaneous. Windows Update Error Code 0x80004005 is a very common issue. But don't worry as we have 6 Ways to Fix Windows Update Error Code 0x80004005. After following one of. Apr 18, 2018  How to Solve Error 0x80004005 in Windows 10. How do I fix error code 0x80004005 in Windows 7. Error Code 0x80004005 when installing Windows Updates Fix.

Hello Zuhair,

Error Code 0x80004005 Windows 10

Thank you for posting your query in Microsoft Community.

Regrets the inconvenience you have experienced.

If you receive Windows error 80004005 while trying to install windows updates, it typically means that Windows Update folders are corrupted. Try below mentioned troubleshooting steps and check if they help.

Method 1:

Try to run the Windows update troubleshooter and see if it fix the issue:

* Press Windows Key then type ‘troubleshoot’ and hit Enter

* Select “View all” on the left panel and run “Windows update” troubleshooter from the list

* Click Advanced, ensure to check Apply repairs automatically and also select Run as administrator

* Click Next and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the troubleshooting.

Once done, check if it allows you install Windows Updates without any errors.

Method 2:

Step :1

a. Press Windows Key + X.
b. Click on ‘Command Prompt (Admin)

Note: Click ‘Yes’ if it prompts for UAC(User Account Control).
c. Type following commands into the command prompt one after the other

net stop wuauserv

net stop bits

net stop cryptsvc

Keep Command Prompt window opened.

Step :2

Rename Windows Update folders

0x80004005 windows 7 update not working

At the command prompt, type the following commands, and then press Enter after each command:

ren %systemroot%System32Catroot2 Catroot2.old
ren %systemroot%SoftwareDistribution SoftwareDistribution.old

Then type the following, commands and then press ENTER after each command:

net start wuauserv

net start bits

net start cryptsvc
Close the Command Prompt window and check if you can install the updates.

Keep us posted for any concerns with windows, we're glad to assist you.

Help us help you by reading - <http://support.microsoft.com/kb/555375> What information to post in the Windows Update forum

It helps those answering your questions if you provide:

- What is your full version of windows (32bit or 64bit) and service pack level. (Right-click on My Computer & select Properties: What Windows version is displayed in the resulting General tab (e.g., Windows XP Professional Service Pack 1; Windows Vista Home Edition Service Pack 2)?

• - What browser (exact version) you are using.

• - What anti-virus application or security suite is installed and is your subscription current?


• - Is a 3rd party firewall being used in place of the native Windows firewall ?

Is this 'software firewall' the Windows Firewall or a third-party firewall? If the latter, what is the name of this application?

• - What other antimalware products are installed and running? .

• - Which update(s) are you trying to install? (KB Number)

• - What ərror are you getting while trying to install updates?

Windows Upgrade Error 0x80004005

The more information you provide will help someone to provide you with a relevant solution.

Then post back to this thread with the requested information.

Thanks !


0x80004005 = unspecified error - may occur because of programs/services interfering in the background.

Try manually downloading and installing the problem update -

e.g., <http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/search.aspx?q=KB2685939>

Save the update to a place on your hard drive you can find and then install the update from thəre.

Download, *save*, and install the kb935509 with no security software installed,

(1) • Disable your anti-viяus application,(antivirus/security suite) installed, (In addition, you may want to temporarily uninstall(antivirus/security suite) and try the update.

Windows Error 0x80004005 Windows 7

0x80004005 Windows 7 Update

Sometimes, antivirus programs are not truly disabled when we disable them as they have very deep hooks into the operating system.)

(2) • Disconnectdisconnect from Internet,

(3) • Disable disablethe fire-wall &

(4)• Close all non-essential process in the task manager (i.e., anything with an icon on the task bar) (all of them, basically) from the system tray (lower right)..

0x80004005 Windows 7 Update

I also recommend taking off USB keys or any external media as this takes place. (like USB drives, printers, scanners, etc.)

Error 0x80004005 Windows 10 Update

TIP: Save the download to your desktop, right-click on the saved file and select Run as Administrator.

0x80004005 Windows 7 Update Advisor

UTC/GMT is 16:25 on Wednesday, December 19, 2012