Mysql Backup Windows

The MySQL Backup option connects to the server and backs up database contents into a dump file. The resulting backup file contains all SQL queries required to reproduce the original database including all tables, tablespaces, stored procedures, functions, and other data. Aug 02, 2011  A lot of people seem to have a problem doing backup and restoration of a MySQL database easily and quickly. However, I am going to show you how to do just that using MySQL’s built in mysqldump.exe utility through a Windows MS-DOS prompt. May 16, 2017  Cross platform – versions available for Windows, Linux and Mac OS. Visual schema and query builder. This is the only SQL client which is supported and developed by MySQL, so you can be sure that it will contain all recent features to match the updates for MySQL’s server. Aug 19, 2014  Below is a screenshot of MySQL being added to the Windows path variable and the mysql command tested on my machine. Add MySQL to Windows Path. Now that mysql is recognized in the Windows command prompt, you can run the MySQL commands.

  1. Mysql Backup Windows Schedule
  2. Mysql Backup Windows Server 2012
  3. Mysql Backup Windows Tool
  4. Mysql Auto Backup
Active2 months ago

Is there a way to back up MySQL database automatically at certain times of the day for designated servers or send an email with an attachment.. Which ever do you think is the best and safest way to achieve this?


Mysql Backup Windows Schedule

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Mysql Backup Windows

5 Answers

Mysql Backup Manager: MySQL Backup Manager is a simple Windows software solution for backing up MySQL Databases automatically. It has a simple and easy to use front-end, which can be installed on both Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 2008 or Windows 2012. MySQL Backup and Recovery MySQL Globalization MySQL Information Schema MySQL Installation Guide Security in MySQL Starting and Stopping MySQL MySQL and Linux/Unix MySQL and Windows MySQL and OS X MySQL and Solaris Building MySQL from Source MySQL Restrictions and Limitations MySQL Partitioning MySQL Secure Deployment Guide MySQL Tutorial MySQL. Customers of MySQL Enterprise Edition can use the MySQL Enterprise Backup product for backups. For an overview of the MySQL Enterprise Backup product, see Section 29.2, “MySQL Enterprise Backup Overview”.

I would use Windows Task Scehduler/cron (depending on your system) and mysqldump. Scroll down in the link, it includes some insights how to achieve what you want.


Best way to do this would be

The pattern backup.%date:~10,4%%date:~7,2%%date:~4,2%.sql will create a unique name (backup20131010.sql) each time it will run

Now you just need to call this command in your task scheduler. That's it. :)


Mysql Backup Windows Server 2012

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Tarun GuptaTarun Gupta
5,2742 gold badges28 silver badges37 bronze badges

You can add one of these commands to Windows task scheduler:

or in a compact way:


Jess StoneJess Stone


To create file whose name is based on the date and time, use %date% and %time%.Note that the 2 variables are based on locale and cmd shell version

  • open the cmd windows
  • input echo %time% and echo %date%mine is 22:11:16.80,06/29/2016 Wed
  • substr the variable through %variable:~startpos,length%I want the time delimited by comma, so the cmd goesecho %time:~0,2%,%time:~3,2%,%time:~6,2%,%time:~9,2%
  • to get a filename like databaseW.2016,06,29-22,31,48-15.sqluse set filename='databaseW.%date:~6,4%,%date:~0,2%,%date:~3,2%-%time:~0,2%,%time:~3,2%,%time:~6,2%-%time:~9,2%.sql'
  • check the date and time in advance
  • use the --result-file option instead of >; According to the Mysql Manuel, the charset of file saved using '>' is UTF-16, while the --result-file follows the --default-character-set
  • save to file BackpDay-databaseW.cmd
  • add it to a new task Action and set a trigger (Windows Task Scheduler)

Mysql Backup Windows Tool

I did the work, similar to what other people explained through... but with little difference and extra work:

1) I made a batch file
2) Ran that batch file through windows scheduler
3) Made appropriate schedule for that task
4) Inside the batch file these steps are executed:

  • 4-1) Prepared a file name based on current date
  • 4-2) Got a backup by mysqldump.exe in the corresponding directory & file name
  • 4-3) Made a compress file through 7-Zip app(install it) & then delete the uncompressed backup
  • 4-4) Put a copy on our network File-Server

Mysql Auto Backup

Here is a script(.bat) sample:


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